Basic Usage
Consider the following source specification:
- conda-forge
- python=3.12
- numpy
Generating a Lockfile
Generate a multi-platform lockfile conda-lock.yml
conda-lock -f environment.yml -p osx-64 -p linux-64
Creating an Environment
Create an environment from the lockfile
conda-lock install [-p {prefix}|-n {name}]
Alternatively, render a single-platform lockfile and use conda command directly
conda-lock render -p linux-64
conda create -n my-locked-env --file conda-linux-64.lock
Updating Packages
Update the previous solution, using the latest version of numpy that is compatible with the source specification. This command overrides the lockfile.
conda-lock --update numpy
Adding new Packages
Add a new package to the environment
Updated environment.yml
- conda-forge
- python=3.12
- numpy
- pandas # new
and regenerate the lockfile
conda-lock -f environment.yml -p osx-64 -p linux-64
Note that this updates existing packages.